It is important to check the water parameters before adding chlorine or turning on the saltwater system. This is important even if the spa has not been used for a long period of time. If the water is not tested before adding chlorine, the chlorine level in the spa can get to high. This can result in damage to the spa tub and pump unit. The following points can be consequences of a too high chlorine level.
Black particles
The coating of the heating element can become corroded, as can the spa’s rubbers. This manifest itself in black granular particles in the water or smudges on the spa tub/aur bladder.

Discoloration of the spa tub
The wall of the spa tub and the drain cap can become very discoloured. Little bumps can appear on the walls and bottom of the spa tub.
Curled edges of the spa tub
The bubble edge on the bottom of the spa tub can become very curled and the air supply pocket can have a curled edge.

Filter pump / heater defect
The filter pump can become defective due to the excess of black particles. The heater can even be so affected that a hole creates on the heating element and results in a water leakage.

When the spa is installed and unused for a long period of time, the filter function should be turned on briefly each day. If the spa has a built-in salt water system, the hours of operation may be adjusted. When the spa is not used for a long time, it is advised to break down and store the spa.
For more advice on water treatment, please contact a water treatment/maintenance specialist.